Cuban Lawyer, Jurist, Politician, Diplomat, Economist.


Speaker of the House, 1940 (portrait by Valderrama)

Jurist Politician Diplomat Economist

Professor of International Law, School of Law, University of Havana-1919-1934.
Secretary/treasurer-Cuban Society of International Law, 1920.
Legal Counsel to Secretary of State-1925-29
Delegate- VI American International Conference, 1928
Delegate/Technical Counsel-Conference on Conciliation and Arbitrage, Washington-1928
Secretary General-First Pan-American Conference of Municipalities, 1928
Delegate Plenapotentiary-Conference on Trademarks, Washington, 1929
Director of the International American Office for the Protection of Trademarks and Commerce, 1930.
Liberal Party - President-Havana province, 1930
Delegate-IV Pan-American Commercial Conference, Washington, 1931
Secretary of Justice, 1933
Member-House of Representatives, 1938-1942
Technical Advisor-Commission on Foreign Relations for the Senate, 1937
Technical Advisor-Commission for the Study of the New Constitution, 193?
President of the Foreign Relations Commission for the House of Representatives, 1939
Technical Director -Pan-American Commission for Intermuncipalities Cooperation, Chicago-1939
Delegate- VIII American Scientific Congress, Washington-1940
Speaker of the House of Representatives, 1940-1941
Cuban delegation head and Sub-Committee President, United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) Atlantic City, 1943, 1944 and 1945.
G.A.T.T. Chairman Legal Drafting Committee and Tech. Dir., Cuban Delegation) Geneva-1947; (Head of Cuban Delegation) Geneva, Petropolis-1950, 1954.
Head of Cuban delegation, (GATT) Havana Charter, 1948.
President-Junta de Economia de Guerra, 1942.
President-Cuban Maritime Commission, 1942-43.
Ambassador to the United Nations (Security Council)1948.
President-Cuban Delegation, General Assembly, 1949
Technical Director/Secretary/President-National Junta of Economy (Junta Nacional de Economia) 1948-1953.
President-United Nations Economic Committee, 1951.
Minister of Finance (Ministro de Hacienda) 1953-1955.
Special Envoy-O.A.S. Conference of the Presidents, Panama, 1956.
President-Cuban Nuclear Energy Commission, 1956.
President-Ministerial Commission for Tariff Reform, 1958.
Minister of Economy (a.k.a. Ministro Presidente-Consejo Nacional de Economia/National Board of Economy, 1955-1959.


(See blog entries Curriculum Vitae, October 2008 and Bibliography, June 2008)


(See blog entries Curriculum Vitae, October 2008 and Bibliography, June 2008)

September 12, 2009

GG Proyecto Nueva Constitución 1940 #3

GG Proyecto Nueva Constitución 1940 #2

GG Proyecto Nueva Constitución 1940 #1

Gustavo Gutiérrez presented to Congress on October 30, 1936, according to some sources, the first draft for the creation of the new Constitution for the Republic of Cuba. Below you will find first, the table of content to the "Proyecto," followed by the 18 page introduction to Dr. Gutiérrez' "History of Cuba's Constitutional Law," volume 1, 533 pages, published in 1938. The first 9 pages cover the three Constitutional Convention periods; (1901-1902), (1927-1928), (1936-1940). He analyzes concepts by German political philosopher,Oswald Spengler, Hans Kelsen (modern constitutional philosopher) as well as B. Mirkine-Guetzevitch and how their ideas, as well as the Constitutions of The USA, France, Germany, Austria, USSR and Spain influenced his ideas regarding Cuba's judicial future.

Dr, Gutiérrez states that his "Proyecto" received the honor (chosen by the Senate and later approved by the House of Representatives) of serving as the basis by which constitutes "el Proyecto de Reforma Integral de la Ley Constitutional vigente." He concludes that his project was considered by the Senators, "too daring and extreme in many areas and was modified substantially."

In the 1943 issue of Hispanic American Historical Review (Vol. 23, No. 2, May, 1943) Duvon C. Corbitt discusses the creation of the Cuban constitution of 1940. He writes, "Among the publications which influenced the constitution as finally adopted on July 1, 1940, was the "Proyecto de la nueva constitución par la Republica de Cuba (Havana, 1940)" by Dr. Gustavo Gutierrez, then president of the House of Representatives. Since, by the law of 1935, that body was required to present such a plan as a basis for discussions in the anticipated constitutional convention, this was used as a starting point for the House." More from this issue of the HAHR can be read in blog entry, "New Constitution Project, 1940, April, 2009. In this entry on can also see a photograph of Dr. Gutierrez, while he was president of the House of Representatives (1940-1941), leading a meeting in what appears to be a House chamber in the Capitol Building.

In an article written by Perla Cartaya Cotta entitled, Carlos Marquez-Sterling y la Constitucion de 1940," in the online magazine, "Revista de la Arquidiosis de La Habana, October / 2009, No. 189, Ms. Cartaya Cotta states, "soon thereafter a bicameral commission was created composed of legislators from both the House and Senate. Dr. Gustavo Gutierrez Sanchez was chosen as it's advisor (or counsel). He was an eminent jurist (lawyer) and professor of International Public Law at the University of Havana, whose responsibility it was to draft the electoral law and the final project of the new Constitution."

In 1976 Carlos Marquez-Sterling wrote an article in honor of Gustavo Gutierrez in El Diario de las Americas where he states, " Gustavo had formed part of the Bicameral Commission which drafted the project of the Constitution and I can assure you that many of the institutions that later found expression in our original document were based on previous works created by Gustavo Gutierrez."

April 30, 2009

Revista Bohemia 1949

In the section entitled, "La Marcha del Tiempo," Bohemia Magazine wrote a piece on Dr. Gustavo Gutiérrez under the heading, "Internationalist, Bohemia Presents." The cartoonist that drew GG was David, one of Cuba's best known caricaturists. The following is the original text in Spanish.

According to family letters this exposé was published to give support to Dr. Gutiérrez in defense of his position at the United Nations against the inclusion of Generalisimo Franco's fascist government into that body. A subsequent scandal ensued whereby Gutiérrez was incorrectly identified by the Associated Press as congratulating and shaking hands with Soviet ambassador Gromyko after he delivered a speech in the General Assembly condemning Spain. The main Cuban newspaper attacked Dr. Gutiérrez as a result and was forced to apologize. In Gutiérrez' defense Bohemia magazine stated below, "During the last session of the United Nations, his (GG) speech in the General Assembly regarding Franco's Spain was one the firmist, most concrete and of purest democratic emotion that has been pronounced in that organization."

"El doctor Gustavo Gutiérrez Sanchez nació en Camajuaní, Santa Clara, el 22 de septiembre de 1895, siendo hijo del señor Miguel Gutierrez almacenista de tabaco, y de la señora María Sanchez. Cursó su enseñanza secundaria en el Colegio de Belen, de La Habana, pasando después a la Universidad donde se graduó de abogado. Muy joven inició GG sus actividades culturales publicando sus "Apuntes de Derecho Internacional Publico" (1916), a los que pronto se añadieron "Los Derechos de la Nación Cubana" (1919). "El Derecho a la Revolución" (1922), "El Problema Económico de Cuba" (1931), "La Enmienda Platt: su origen, su alcance, su abrogación (1934), "Proyecto de Nueva Constitución para la Republica de Cuba" (1940) -Código Electoral de 1943", "La Carta Magna de la Comunidad de las Naciones (1945), "Compilación Constitucional Cubana y muchas otras obras que hacen de GG una de nuestras máximas autoridades en materia constitucional y uno de nuestros más respetados internacionalistas. Es miembro de la Academia Cubana de Altos Estudios Juridicos, ex profesor por oposición de Derecho Internacional en la Universidad de la Habana, ex Ministro de Justicia y ex Presidente de la Camara de Representantes y es actualmente Secretario de la Junta Nacional de Economia, Embajador de Cuba ante el Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU y Presidente p.s.r. de la Delegación de Cuban a la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas. En su carácter técnico ha asistido como Delegado de Cuba a la Sexta Conferencia Internacional Americana (1928), a la Cuarta Conferencia Comercial Panamericana (1931), al Octavo Congreso Cientifico Americano (1940) y es miembre de la Comisión Permanente Pan-Americana de Legislación Comparada y Unificación de Legislaciones.

Representó a Cuba en las Conferencias preparatorias (para el G.A.T.T.)-de Nueva York, Londres y Ginebra-de la de Comercio y Empleo, celebrada en La Habana en diciembre de 1947. Tuvo a su cargo la organización de esta última como Presidente de la CACNUCE, y posteriormente presidió la Delegación cubana, al ser electo el ingeniero Sergio I. Clark, para presidir la Conferencia. Durante la ultima reunion de la ONU, su informe (discurso en la Asamblea General) sobre el caso de la España de Franco, fué uno de los más firmes, concretos y de más pura emoción democrática que se hayan pronunciado en dicho organismo. GG está casado con la señora María Vianello García con la que tiene cuatro hijas: Berta, Marta, Yolanda y María.

April 26, 2009

GG New Constitution Project 1940

The photograph on top shows Dr. Gustavo Gutiérrez presiding over a meeting in the Capitol Building while he was Speaker of the House of Representatives between 1940 and 1941. This may well could have been a Congressional session discussing legislation for the new Constitution. The pages below the photograph were taken from the Hispanic American Historical Review, Vol. 23, No. 2, May, 1943, (pages 326 and 327), where Duvon C. Corbitt of Candler Colllege discusses the creation of the Cuban Constitution of 1940. He writes on page 326 that in 1940 Dr. Gustavo Gutiérrez published a book called "Project of the New Constitution for the Republic of Cuba." It was considered the guide or "starting point" used by the Constitutional Convention for the creation of the Cuban Constitution of 1940, considered one of the most advanced and progressive Constitutions of it's day. Mr. Corbitt writes, " Among the publications which influenced the constitution as finally adopted on July 1, 1940, was a Proyecto de la nueva constitución para la Republica de Cuba (Havana:1940) by Dr. Gustavo Gutierrez, then president of the House of Representatives. Since, by the law of 1935, that body was required to present such a plan as a basis for discussions in the anticipated constitutional convention, this was used as a starting point for the House."

On page 327 Corbitt states that, "although Dr. Gutierréz admires the constitution as a whole and especially the sections defining individual rights, he believes his own plan, as revised by the House of Representatives, more comprehensive and mature. He laments the careless and hasty drafting of some articles and technical errors in others, and Article 281 which allows the Congress, on advice of the Council of Ministers, to declare a state of emergency and assume almost unlimited power. That the judiciary is too nearly autonomous is a criticism which its history in Cuba hardly justifies. The short life of the new constitution has been sufficient to confirm Dr. Gutierrez's assertion that the attempt to introduce the semi-parlamentary system has resulted only in a modification of the presidential system."

In the blog entry mentioned below we learn that Dr. Gutierrez' "proyecto" received the honor (chosen by the Senate and later approved by the House of Representatives) of serving as the basis by which constituted "El proyecto de Reforma Integral de la Ley Constitucional vigente." For more information regarding Dr. Gutierrez's participation in the drafting of the Cuban constitution of 1940 please see blog entry "Proyecto Nueva Constitución, 1940. September, 2009, parts 1, 2 and 3.

In an article written by Perla Cartaya Cotta entitled, Carlos Marquez-Sterling y la Constitucion de 1940," in the online magazine, "Revista de la Arquidiosis de La Habana, October / 2009, No. 189, Ms. Cartaya Cotta states, "soon thereafter a bicameral commission was created composed of legislators from both the House and Senate. Dr. Gustavo Gutierrez Sanchez was chosen as it's advisor (or counsel). He was an eminent jurist (lawyer) and professor of International Public Law at the University of Havana, whose responsibility it was to draft the electoral law and the final project of the new Constitution."

In 1976 Carlos Marquez-Sterling wrote an article in honor of Gustavo Gutierrez in El Diario de las Americas where he states, " Gustavo had formed part of the Bicameral Commission which drafted the project of the Constitution and I can assure you that many of the institutions that later found expression in our original document were based on previous works created by Gustavo Gutierrez."

Dr. Gutiérrez also published in 1940 "Constitution of the Republic of Cuba promulgated the 5th of July, 1940. It's historical antecedents. It's spirit. Critical study regarding it's most fundamental principles" where he explains to us in the Spanish text from the first chapter, "Spirit of the Constitution:

Translation into English:

"Those of us that are not satisfied with a "liberal democratic" State along the lines of the old English school of thought and are also not satisfied with the "proletariat" State model introduced by the Soviet system, accept from the "individualist" State model, which the Marxist Socialists refer to in derogatory terms as a "Bourgeois" State, the need to protect individual liberty in order not to fall into slavery at the mercy of the Socialist model. We respect the existence of private property but not in the ancient Roman concept of law, where it's use and abuse benefitted the land owner exclusively, but rather for the social well being of all."

Incidentally, Gustavo Gutiérrez gave a speech in 1937 during the convocation of the recently reestablished Liberal Party where he introduced "La Nueva Ruta" (The New Route), the idea of moving Cuba's Liberal Party more towards Franklin Roosevelt's New Deal model. Please see blog entry December 2008 "La Ruta Nueva" in 4 parts.

Antonio Maceo "In Memoriam" 1940 #1

April 23, 2009

The last photo (La ultima foto)-May 20,1959. Buenos Aires

(Below please find a more extensive recounting in Spanish of Dr. Gutiérrez' final months of life.)

When Batista fled Cuba in the early morning of January 1, 1959, the entire country exploded with joy. Gustavo Gutiérrez was shocked as were so many of those who were in Batista's government. As the firing squads began to erupt across Havana Harbor at the Cabaña Fortress the excitement and effervescence among many began to diminish. Fear and mayhem began to engulf the country as the revolutionaries began systematic executions, incarcerations and confiscations of properties. Many of Batista's police, government officials and armed forces personnel were immediately executed without trial or adherence to habeas corpus.

Gustavo Gutiérrez refused to accept the advice of family and friends who urged him to leave Cuba by requesting political asylum in any number of foreign embassies. He barked out that he had served his country honestly and faithfully and had committed no crimes against the State nor its people. After several colleagues, including the President of the National Bank, Martinez Saens, were sent to prison he reluctantly accepted to seek asylum in the Argentine Embassy.

He flew to Buenos Aires with Justo Garcia-Rayneri (former Minister of Finance) and Eusebio Mujal (President of the C.T.C., Cuba's largest labor union) where he was operated for colon cancer. A sponge was left inside his body and by the time he was flown to Miami, where he was opened up to discover the travesty, it was too late. A tumor had grown around the gauze and his intestines were infected and dissolving. He died in Miami on July 17, 1959.

This is the last photograph in possession of the family. It was taken in a park in Buenos Aires with his wife, Dulce Maria Vianello, on May 20, 1959, Cuban independence day. He already had made arrangements through diplomatic channels to work at the United Nations or at the World Bank. Yet unbeknownst to him or anyone else, he would die two months later.

(More extensive Spanish version.)

Hija de Gustavo Gutiérrez, Berta nos cuenta en el Prologo de una recopilación de cartas familiares que ella organizó y que fueron escritas durante los primeros 6 meses de 1959:

"El primer avión con exiliados cubanos que salió hacia la Argentina, llevaba como pasajeros a Gustavo Gutiérrez y Sanchez (Ministro saliente de Economia), Justo García-Rayneri (ex-Ministro de Hacienda), y Eusebio Mujal (Secretario General de la Confederacíon de Trabajadores de Cuba, C.T.C.). La salida fue bastante azarosa pues una turba se dirigió hacia Rancho Boyeros (el aeropuerto) con intencíon de sacar a Mujal del avión. Pudieron salir antes que llegara pero, una vez en el aire, el avión tuvo que regresar por algún mal funcionamiento considerado despues, como sabotaje.

Fue un momento muy emocionante del que supimos y oímos por radio. Al aterrizar el avión ya la turba estaba en los terrenos de aeropuerto y, el Comandante Camilo CIenfuegos al frente de su tropa, tuvo que rodear el avión para evitar que fuera asaltado. Al fin volvió a salir sin más inconvenientes o contratiempos. Era alrededor del 15 de enero de 1959.

La estancia en la Embajada Argentina (desde el primero de enero, cuando el Sr. Cueto, Secretario de la Embajada y cliente de mi esposo, Dr. José R. Montalvo, vino a mi casa a buscar a G.G. para convencerlo de que se asilara), fue también bastante inquietante. A pesar de estar fuertemente custodiada por soldados rebeldes (recuerdo haber ido una noche a visitar a Papá y tener que pasar sobre soldados sentados en el suelo del jardín), fue atacada por elementos desconocidos. El tiroteo se oyó desde mi casa. Sabíamos lo que estaba sucediendo y no podíamos hacer nada.

Otro momento perturbador fue cuando el Sr. Embajador, Julio A. Amoedo, presionado por el Gobierno Revolucionario, intentó hacer salir de la Embajada a los asilados que eran numerosos. G. G. que se conocía muy bien el tratado de asilo por haber sido signatario del mismo en Montevideo, tuvo una fuerte discusión con el Embajador negándose a que nadie abandonara la sede de la Embajada, o no ser por propia voluntad."

Hija Yolanda nos cuenta:

Alrededor del año 1955 Papá se opera con el Dr. José Lastra en la Clinica de Miramar en La Habana de un pólipo en el Sicmoide o sea, donde se une el recto con el colon. Aunque parezca extraño en esa epoca no se les decia a los pacientes que era cancer para no asustarlos. A Papá no se le dijo. Papá pasó un postoperatorio de tres meses y todo salió bien.

Estando asilado en Buenos Aires nos escribe diciendo que habia tenido deposiciones con sangre y que los medicos lo querian operar. Todos nos asustamos. Ya que él no sabia que habia tenido cancer. Se arreglaron todos los documentos necesarios para que Mamá pudiera viajar a Buenos Aires. Estando Mamá alli se opera Papá y le encuentran otro cancer en la misma sutura de la operación anterior. En dicha operación le dejan olvidada una gaza o torunda con las que secan la sangre, lo cosen de nuevo y lo envian a su recuperación al hotel Crillón en donde estaba hopedado. Papá no se recuperaba.

Papá queria irse a los E.U. pero no tenia visa para entrar ya que toda su vida viajó con pasaporte diplomático y el nuevo gobierno revolucionario habia anulado todos los pasaportes diplomaticos. Cuando Batista abandona Cuba en enero de 1959 Papá se asila en la Embajada Argentina siete dias despues y se encuentra sin pasaporte corriente sin poder moverse de ahí.

Ya en Buenos Aires Mamá y Papá esperan por la visa de E.U. Se hacen gestiones con todo el mundo inclusive con Henry Cabot Lodge y Ben Gurion pero se le hace dificil viajar a Papá con el State Department en Washington por haber estado vinculado al gobierno de Fulgencio Batista. Decidimos pedirle al gobierno mexicano por una visa para Papá para tenerlo mas cerca a nosotros. Le llega a finales de mayo y viaje a Mexico con permiso de Aldo Vera, un funcionario del gobierno revolucionario que se encargaba de dar los permisos de salida de Cuba. Le digo quien soy, que Papá esta muy grave en Mexico y me concedió el permiso.

Cuando llego a Mexico el 21 de junio estaban Mamá y Papá en un apto. muy modesto alquilado en Lomas de Chapultapec. El me da un abrazo muy fuerte y me dice:"ve a la taza del inodoro del baño para que vea como me estoy yendo en sangre."Estando yo ahí le llega la visa para entrar en los E.U. despues de mas de un mes en Mexico esperando ansiosamente la visa americana. Los acompaño en el viaje para Miami. En Mexico en aquel tiempo estaba el Padre Ezequiel Iñurrieta, sacerdote Franciscano de la Iglesia San Antonio de Miramar y muy amigo de la familia. Me dijo:" Tu padre sabe que ha tenido cancer." No sé en qué momento Papá supo. Creo que en el hospital de Buenos Aires vió un papel al pie de la cama que lo decía.

Para poder hacer el viaje en avión para Miami los medicos mexicanos le pusieron una inyección para coagular la sangre. El capitan piloto del avión me hizo firmar un papel donde ellos no se hacian responsables de nada de lo que le pasara a Papá durante el viaje. Cuatro horas interminables duró el viaje Mexico-Miami (en aquella época eran aviones de propela) y éso era lo que se demoraba. Yo iba sentada en la fila delante de mis padres. Una de las veces que miré hacia atráz lo vi muy palido. Papá tenia deceos de ir al baño y no se atravió por miedo a una hemorragia.

Al llegar al aeropuerto de Miami nos esperaba en la misma pista de aterrizaje una ambulancia con el doctor Octavio Montoro, medico de Papá en Cuba. Papá no queria ir para el hospital, sino para la casa de mi hermana Marta pero fué directo para el Mercy Hospital donde fué operado. Cuando el cirujano salió del salon de operaciones nos dijo que habia encontrado una gaza olvidada del la operación anterior en Buenos Aires, la cual habia formado un tumor que habia perforado los intestinos. La sangre entraba y salia como un colador por todo el intestino. Papá fallece en el Mercy Hospital el 17 de julio de 1959, no de cancer, sino a causa del fallo del equipo de cirujia de los medicos el Dr. Capdurat y el Dr. Garat en el hospital de Buenos Aires.

Mamá insistió en llevar el cadaver de Papá para Cuba y se hicieron los tramites para traer el cadaver de Papá para La Habana. Mi cuñado, que habia sido piloto de aviación y tenia conecciones en la linea de aviación Pan American, logra que en la parte delantera del avión cerca de los pilotos, quiten los asientos de pasajeros y ahí colocaron el féretro de Papá. Una cortina dividía éste lugar del resto de los pasajeros para que no se viera el ataúd. Inmediatamente detrás íbamos Mamá, su hermana Sara Vianello de Calvo Tarafa y yo.

Cuando llegamos al aeropuerto de Rancho Boyeros en La Habana a nosotros nos bajaron junto con los pasajeros y el ataúd fué para el departamento de carga. Estando pasando aduanas le vinieron a pedir a Mamá la llave que cerraba el ataúd. Mi primo hermano, Miguel Gutiérrez Torruella que tenia conecciones en el aeropuerto se encargó de entregarle la lave a los milicianos para abrir la caja y rejistrarla a ver si allí venian armas.

Papá tuvo un velorio en la funeraria Van Ornsdale en Miami donde concurrieron todas nuestras amistades y otro velorio en la funeraria de Alfredo Fernandez en la calle Zapata en el Vedado. A Papá se le dijo una misa en la capilla del Cementerio de Colón en La Habana donde esta enterrado en el panteon de la familia que dice Piélago-Gutiérrez que consta de cinco tumbas de marmol donde están enterrados varios miembros de la familia Gutiérrez y Sanchez. Este panteon fué un regalo a Papá de Ramon Piélago que estuvo casado con Gloria, hermana de Papá.

La muerte de Papá fue algo mas que tragico para Mamá y sus cuatro hijas. Papá, que siempre nos habia protegido de todo lo malo, que nos habia nutrido y enseñado tanto y que nos habia resuelto nuetros problemas durante toda la vida, habia desaparecido del dia a la noche en medio de un golpe de esado, una pesadilla devastadora llamada revolución. La incertidumbre la habiamos enfrentado por primera ves. Lo peor fué que Papá se habia convirtido en "persona non grata" tanto por el nuevo gobierno revolucionario cubano como por el gobierno americano por haber formado parte del gobierno de Batista.

Papá no se mereció un final tan horrible, tan caotico. Su vida entera la dedicó al pueblo cubano y su desarroyo tanto dentro del pais como en el extranjero en numerosas conferencias internacionales. Mamá me hizo el cuento que cuando Papá estaba muriendose en Miami pasaba horas mirando fuera de la ventana hacia el cielo. Un dia Mamá vió un avión pasar y le pregunto a Papá: "Gustavo, si estuvieras volando en ese avión a que parte del mundo te gustaria viajar?" Papá la miró con una gran tristeza y le contestó: " A Cuba. A Cuba."

January 20, 2009

GG offers luncheon to staff and journalists 1954

Celebrating his first anniversary as Minister of Finance, Dr. Gustavo Gutiérrez offered a luncheon on August 3rd, 1954 for his sub-secretaries Dr. Antonio Alonso Avila and Dr. Jorge Ruiz Cerda, the "directores generales, " and department heads, in addition to the journalists that cover this sector. Fun was had by all.

Journalists honor Gutiérrez 1953

Shortly after Gustavo Gutiérrez accepted the post of Minister of Finance in August of 1953 he was honored by journalists at a luncheon in Havana.

Havana Lions Club honors Gutiérrez 1953

While Gustavo Gutiérrez was Minister of Finance he was honored by the Havana chapter of the Lions Club. He held this miniterial post from 1953 until 1955. For more information please see October 2008 blog entry "Gutiérrez Steps Down as Finance Minister."

January 12, 2009

GG biography 1940 (from magazine "Valores Actuales de Cuba")

This is one of many publications that published biographical information about Dr. Gustavo Gutiérrez during his lengthy career in civil service from 1919 to 1959.
For more biographical information please see blog entries for;

a. June 2008;
1) Biography "The Forgotten Man" by Berta G.Montalvo
2) Pioneer of 1940 Constitution by Enrique Llaca
3) Carlos Marquez Sterling

b. October 2008;
1) C.W. Massaguer #2
2) Curriculum Vitae (English or Spanish)

c. November 2008;
1) Minister of Finance #2
2) G.G. Obituary...1959

January 3, 2009

University of Havana Law School Students 1915

This photograph, taken in 1915, shows a group of law students from the old University of Havana originally founded on January 5, 1728 by the Dominican order. Gustavo Gutiérrez is in the front row of  four standing students. He's first from the right. Other students are Berny Latour, Evelio Pina, Edelberto Ebra, Enrique Llansó, C. Machado, Antonio Berenguer, Jose Sabi, ?, Ricardo Ponce de la Torre, Carlos Jimenez de la Torre, T. Silverio, R. A. Maruri, Secundino Baños, Miguel Santa Cruz, J. Garcia Bayeliares, ?, Gustavo Ramirez Olivella, C. Blanco, Oscar Campos, Jose de Castro y Mauri, J. Jimenez Balamiro. These names were written by hand on the back side of the photograph and some of the last names were not legible. I did my best. The photograph was dedicated to Gustavo by a friend "affectionately" in 1953. His signature is illegible.

This photograph was taken at the entrance of the old University of Havana, not the present day University which was built later during the administration of Gerardo Machado inaugurated December 1927.

Press Conference for Housing Construction (Lechuga), 1952

The top photograph shows Gustavo Gutiérrez holding a press conference regarding housing construction and the "Plan Economico Minimo" held on June 2, 1952 in the offices of the Junta Nacional de Economia, ( National Board of Economy). Gustavo Gutiérrez was the president of that commission. Seated directly across from him is Dr. Jose Pardo Jimenez, Minister of Public Works who created the Law-decree for Economic Housing. To his right is journalist and personal friend of Gutiérrez, Ramon Vasconcelos.

In the newspaper article above Dr. Gutiérrez writes to journalist Carlos M. Lechuga in response to an article Mr. Lechuga wrote in El Mundo newspaper where the latter criticized Dr. Gutiérrez for calling immoral his objection over the proposed purchase by the State of lands on which to build an urban developement called la Ciudad Ferroviaria in the province of Camagüey. Dr. Gutiérrez opposed out of principle the idea that the State should pay for these lands out right for the creation of a lower income housing project (Ciudad Ferroviaria de Camagüey) and that in all parts of the world urbanization projects are developed in conjunction with the individuals that own the lands. He adds that instead, he has agreed, in conjunction with the National Housing Commission and the Counsel of Ministers, to loan the real estate developers a sum of $415,000, interest free, payable in 20 years, the extension of tax payments; incentives, all of which are included in the Law-decree for Economic Housing.

This project was submitted to the National Housing Commission (CNV) by the Workers and Employees Cooperative of Consolidated Railways and the Institute Columnas de Plata, (Cooperativa de Empleados y Obreros de los Ferrocarriles Consolidados and the Institución Columnas de Plata). "It constitutes the best project submitted to the CNV dealing with low income housing to date." Dr. Gutiérrez adds that he believes that these two groups will receive all the assistance from the State that is necessary. It seems these groups wanted the State to give them these lands for free as opposed to offering them a loan instead.

In the second part of this article he refers to a previous article written by Raúl Cepero Bonilla on December 4 of the previous year (?) in the newspaper Prensa Libre where the writer confirms Gustavo's assertion that he had nothing to do with the failure of the unification of the railway companies, acknowledged, as well, by the leaders of the United Railway Brotherhood (Hermandad Ferroviaria de los Unidos). He adds, "I'm not concerned if in this situation there was law firm wrong doing. It doesn't affect me. Law firms exist to facilitate business dealings that are legitimate and governments exist to stop those that are not."

In the following year Cuba would purchase from the British government all the land on which the Cuban railroads were built. For more information please see blog entry from October 2008, "Cuba Purchases British Railway Properties, 1953." This was a project that was spearheaded by Gutiérrez himself.

GG Attacks Soviet Vishinsky at the U.N. 1950

On December 19, 1950, Nicolas Rivero y Machado wrote an article for the Cuban newspaper, Avance, informing that the head of the Cuban delegation to the United Nations, Dr. Gustavo Gutiérrez, had accused the Soviet Ambassador, Vishinsky of conducting himself like a circus magician and that the Soviet aggression in Korea is part of a gigantic plan by the Kremlin to impose communism. For a less than adequate translation of the above article please see blog entry, "GG Accuses Soviet Vishinsky at the UN 1950."

"Cuba enjoys growth in prosperity" (Diario Nacional) 1956

On Spetember 5, 1956, the newspaper Diario Nacional published an interview with Dr. Gustavo Gutiérrez, then Minister/President of the National Council of Economy (Consejo Nacional de Economia) and Minister without Portfolio from 1955 until 1959. Dr. Gutiérrez was considered by some sources the de facto Minister of Economy. The title of the above article reads, "Cuba enjoys growth in prosperity."

Dr. Gutiérrez had affirmed on national television the night before that, "there does not exist an economic crisis in Cuba." He appeared on the program "Telemundo Pregunta" with a distinguished panel of journalists; Alfredo Nuñez Pascual, Jorge Horstmann and Carlos Robeño. He stated that, "Our country is experiencing at this moment such growth in all sectors that if this is not halted we will end up in what is called an excess of revenues"..."We are presently injecting $100,000,000 into the economy via President Batista's (economic) "Development Plan" which, by means of what is called "multiplied spectrum," will signify the mobilization of $400,000,000. When General Batista relinquishes power in 1959 we fear the cessation of this injection could bring about a crisis. But that concern is diminished as a result of our previous studies regarding this matter."...."Batista's success in Panama is undeniable. While other presidents followed protocol by giving formal speeches, our President requested that an economic and social theme be given to the Conference of Panama. At the upcoming meeting of Latin American nations in Washington we will take with us Batista's ideas. Among them is the abolition of double taxation."

In another part of the article Gutiérrez states that, " regarding the problem with the hydrometers, a technical necessity, it's an unpopular measure in a country like ours where we're not accustomed to these limitations, yet something has to be done." I believe Gutiérrez was referring here to the measuring and regulation of household water intake. Gustavo's daughter recalls having had conversations with her father in the late 50s where he expressed concern with the then deteriorating conditions of the public water works in Havana and with the need to have a major overhaul of the system, adding that the pipes were already quite old an in need of replacing, subsequently, fearing the contamination of the drinking water.

Batista was forced to return to Cuba due to personal matters before the Conference had ended and he assigned Gustavo Gutiérrez to replace him at the Conference. One may see a photograph of Dr. Gutiérrez, President Dwight D. Eisenhower and other heads of State at the Panama Conference in blog entry June 2008, "La Razon por este Blog (Mission Statement)."

The article, written by Fernando Carrendi begins with an 8 quotes summary.

1) "If this isn't halted we will end up in what is called an excess of revenue."

2) "The BANDES ( Banco de Desarroyo Economico y Social -Bank of Economic and Social Development) has been criticized not to carry out the tendering of funds for the creation of (public?) works, yet the speed and urgency for creating industries is so great that the results being pursued would end up falling short without the tendering of funds."

3) " The increase of funds of the BANDES has not encumbered the citizenry. These are budgetary surpluses that are used to foment economic development."

4) "It's logical that we strengthen or defenses due to a climate of insurrection and now also the danger of a foreign aggressor (Trujillo from the Dominican Republic)."

5) " I sincerely feel it's shameful the frivolous attitute with which the Cuban people are taking the problem with Trujillo."

6) "It's not true that Batista will greet Trujillo in Panama with an embrace."

7) ' The triumph of President Batista at the meeting of the Heads of State is undeniable."

8) The National Institute of Statistics will soon commence operation."

Letter to C. Lechuga (El Mundo)

GG First payment from A. Sánchez de Bustamante 1915

In 1915 Gustavo Gutiérrez received his first check while working for Cuba's most prestigious law firm headed by it's founder, Antonio Sanchez de Bustamante, whose signature can be seen in the bottom right hand portion of the check. Gustavo was 20 years old at the time. The 50 pesos were paid in gold. His father, Miguel Gutiérrez y Gutiérrez, a wealthy tobacco grower and Spanish immigrant from Santillana del Mar, Santander province in northern Spain, had to sign (on the back side) for his young son, most likely because Gustavo had no bank account of his own.

January 2, 2009

Sánchez de Bustamante Law Firm 1942

The law firm headed by Antoino Sánchez de Bustamante was the most prestigious law firm in Cuba at the time. In this photograph we see seated from left to right; Dr. Gustavo Gutiérrez, Dr. Miguel Angel de l a Campa, Dr. Antonio Sanchez de Bustamante, Dr. Jose Manuel Cortina, Dr. Hernandez Cartaya. On the top row, standing, we find Dr. Cesar Salaya, Dr. Alberto del Junco and (the tallest centered in the middle) Dr. José Manuel Cortina y Corrales, among others. The exact date of this photograph is not known. I have "guess-timated" the date as being 1942. It was most likely taken between the late 1930s and the early 1940s.

January 1, 2009

Chapultapec Conference, Mexico CIty 1945

The Mexican newspaper El Universal published an article on the 21st of February, 1945, announcing the "Conferencia para el Estudio de los Problemas de la Guerra y de la Paz en America" (Conference for the Study of the Problems of War and Peace in América) which took place in the Legislative Palace in Mexico City.

The above picture shows Dr Gutiérrez with his wife and the wife of Cuban delegate, Dr. Emilio Nuñez Portuondo. The top photograph shows the Cámara de Diputados (Chamber of Deputies). The Cuban delegation is in the front row and Gr. Gutiérrez can be seen third from the top. Follow the balding head!

The Cuban Delegation consisted of Gustavo Cuervo Rubio, César Salaya, Gustavo Gutiérrez, Guillermo Belt, Marco A. Kohly, Ernesto Dihigo, Pelayo Cuervo Navarro, Luis Machado, Eduardo R. Chibas, Ramiro Hernandez Portela, Emilio Nuñez Portuondo, Gonzalo Güell, Manuel Bisbé, Mariano Brull, Manuel Dorta Duque, Alberto Espinoza.

In 2008 Indiana University Press published "Human Rights at the UN, The Political History of Universal Justice," written by Roger Normand and Sarah Zaidi. Under the heading "Chapultapec: Rebellion or Reaction?" the authors write, "The dissatisfaction of Latin American governments found expression in an extraordinary meeting in February 1945 at Chapultapec Castle in Mexico City, where twenty Latin American countries and a large delegation from the United States participated in the Inter-American Conference on Problems of War and Peace. They reviewed the Dunbarton Oaks proposals in details and introduced 150 draft resolutions urging substantial reforms, many addressing human rights. (49)"..."Cuba submitted two detailed proposals for consideration, a "Draft Declaration of the International Rights and Duties of the Individual" and a "Draft Declaration on the Rights and Duties of Nations. (50)" These two drafts were written by Dr. Gustavo Gutierrez in a book entitled La Carta Magna de la Comunidad de Naciones. Please see blog entry for December, 2008 entitled "The Magna Carta of the Community of Nations, 1945." Later that year the Cuban delegation in San Francisco would present the Gutierrez draft for consideration in the creation of a universal declaration of human rights. Please see blog entry Universal Declaration of Human Rights #1, December, 2010.

GG Prepares the Capitol Building for International Conference 1947 (Havana Charter)

The above article written by Fernando Villaverde, appeared in a Havana newspaper on November 18, 1947. The title reads, "He gives a bath to the Capitol Building." Mr. Villaverde interviewed Dr. Gustavo Gutiérrez who at the time was president of the auxiliary commission in charge of preparing the Capital Building for the upcoming United Nations World Conference on the Expansion of Commerce and Employment. Cuba and Dr. Gutiérrez hosted the conference on the 21st of December, 1947, representing 57 nations and with 2,500 delegates in attendance. (Please see blog entry, "The Havana Charter (La Carta de la Habana) 1947/48, October, 2008). Dr. Gutiérrez closed the conference with a speech that can be read in blog entry " Havana Charter GG closing remarks, 1948" February, 2010.

Dr. Gutiérrez's daughter Yolanda shares with us this anecdote. " During the weeks prior to the Conference I recall my father saying with great frustration, " This is the city where every difficulty and inconvenience can be surely predicted and expected."