Cuban Lawyer, Jurist, Politician, Diplomat, Economist.


Speaker of the House, 1940 (portrait by Valderrama)

Jurist Politician Diplomat Economist

Professor of International Law, School of Law, University of Havana-1919-1934.
Secretary/treasurer-Cuban Society of International Law, 1920.
Legal Counsel to Secretary of State-1925-29
Delegate- VI American International Conference, 1928
Delegate/Technical Counsel-Conference on Conciliation and Arbitrage, Washington-1928
Secretary General-First Pan-American Conference of Municipalities, 1928
Delegate Plenapotentiary-Conference on Trademarks, Washington, 1929
Director of the International American Office for the Protection of Trademarks and Commerce, 1930.
Liberal Party - President-Havana province, 1930
Delegate-IV Pan-American Commercial Conference, Washington, 1931
Secretary of Justice, 1933
Member-House of Representatives, 1938-1942
Technical Advisor-Commission on Foreign Relations for the Senate, 1937
Technical Advisor-Commission for the Study of the New Constitution, 193?
President of the Foreign Relations Commission for the House of Representatives, 1939
Technical Director -Pan-American Commission for Intermuncipalities Cooperation, Chicago-1939
Delegate- VIII American Scientific Congress, Washington-1940
Speaker of the House of Representatives, 1940-1941
Cuban delegation head and Sub-Committee President, United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration (UNRRA) Atlantic City, 1943, 1944 and 1945.
G.A.T.T. Chairman Legal Drafting Committee and Tech. Dir., Cuban Delegation) Geneva-1947; (Head of Cuban Delegation) Geneva, Petropolis-1950, 1954.
Head of Cuban delegation, (GATT) Havana Charter, 1948.
President-Junta de Economia de Guerra, 1942.
President-Cuban Maritime Commission, 1942-43.
Ambassador to the United Nations (Security Council)1948.
President-Cuban Delegation, General Assembly, 1949
Technical Director/Secretary/President-National Junta of Economy (Junta Nacional de Economia) 1948-1953.
President-United Nations Economic Committee, 1951.
Minister of Finance (Ministro de Hacienda) 1953-1955.
Special Envoy-O.A.S. Conference of the Presidents, Panama, 1956.
President-Cuban Nuclear Energy Commission, 1956.
President-Ministerial Commission for Tariff Reform, 1958.
Minister of Economy (a.k.a. Ministro Presidente-Consejo Nacional de Economia/National Board of Economy, 1955-1959.


(See blog entries Curriculum Vitae, October 2008 and Bibliography, June 2008)


(See blog entries Curriculum Vitae, October 2008 and Bibliography, June 2008)

January 3, 2009

"Cuba enjoys growth in prosperity" (Diario Nacional) 1956

On Spetember 5, 1956, the newspaper Diario Nacional published an interview with Dr. Gustavo Gutiérrez, then Minister/President of the National Council of Economy (Consejo Nacional de Economia) and Minister without Portfolio from 1955 until 1959. Dr. Gutiérrez was considered by some sources the de facto Minister of Economy. The title of the above article reads, "Cuba enjoys growth in prosperity."

Dr. Gutiérrez had affirmed on national television the night before that, "there does not exist an economic crisis in Cuba." He appeared on the program "Telemundo Pregunta" with a distinguished panel of journalists; Alfredo Nuñez Pascual, Jorge Horstmann and Carlos Robeño. He stated that, "Our country is experiencing at this moment such growth in all sectors that if this is not halted we will end up in what is called an excess of revenues"..."We are presently injecting $100,000,000 into the economy via President Batista's (economic) "Development Plan" which, by means of what is called "multiplied spectrum," will signify the mobilization of $400,000,000. When General Batista relinquishes power in 1959 we fear the cessation of this injection could bring about a crisis. But that concern is diminished as a result of our previous studies regarding this matter."...."Batista's success in Panama is undeniable. While other presidents followed protocol by giving formal speeches, our President requested that an economic and social theme be given to the Conference of Panama. At the upcoming meeting of Latin American nations in Washington we will take with us Batista's ideas. Among them is the abolition of double taxation."

In another part of the article Gutiérrez states that, " regarding the problem with the hydrometers, a technical necessity, it's an unpopular measure in a country like ours where we're not accustomed to these limitations, yet something has to be done." I believe Gutiérrez was referring here to the measuring and regulation of household water intake. Gustavo's daughter recalls having had conversations with her father in the late 50s where he expressed concern with the then deteriorating conditions of the public water works in Havana and with the need to have a major overhaul of the system, adding that the pipes were already quite old an in need of replacing, subsequently, fearing the contamination of the drinking water.

Batista was forced to return to Cuba due to personal matters before the Conference had ended and he assigned Gustavo Gutiérrez to replace him at the Conference. One may see a photograph of Dr. Gutiérrez, President Dwight D. Eisenhower and other heads of State at the Panama Conference in blog entry June 2008, "La Razon por este Blog (Mission Statement)."

The article, written by Fernando Carrendi begins with an 8 quotes summary.

1) "If this isn't halted we will end up in what is called an excess of revenue."

2) "The BANDES ( Banco de Desarroyo Economico y Social -Bank of Economic and Social Development) has been criticized not to carry out the tendering of funds for the creation of (public?) works, yet the speed and urgency for creating industries is so great that the results being pursued would end up falling short without the tendering of funds."

3) " The increase of funds of the BANDES has not encumbered the citizenry. These are budgetary surpluses that are used to foment economic development."

4) "It's logical that we strengthen or defenses due to a climate of insurrection and now also the danger of a foreign aggressor (Trujillo from the Dominican Republic)."

5) " I sincerely feel it's shameful the frivolous attitute with which the Cuban people are taking the problem with Trujillo."

6) "It's not true that Batista will greet Trujillo in Panama with an embrace."

7) ' The triumph of President Batista at the meeting of the Heads of State is undeniable."

8) The National Institute of Statistics will soon commence operation."

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